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Melanthios Nikola

Race: Human
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5 ft 10 in
Weight: 206 lbs


11 Fallowtide 2039 IR



Melanthios Nikola is a horse trainer in Achrida, Dassaretum Province, Empire of Makhaira.

He is a member of the Enchelei

He is one of the best trainers of horses running in the Hippodrome of Achrida. His horses win, and especially place, far more often than others. Much of this is because of decades of experience, though he does tend to drink too much.

He hates Anakletos Pavle and works to both undermine his training and defeat him in every race.

From the Books

Melanthios was the old guard. He’d been training horses and riders for decades, and his entrants had won more than their share. Much more, but never so much as in the past two years.

He was also roundly despised, being a drunk—and a mean drunk, at that. He was well over six feet tall, broad, and even in his sixties, loved to brawl. He’d once been a member of the Pronoiars, the cohort of the local legion specializing in cavalry. People hated the Pronoiars because of their arrogance, and Melanthios exemplified the stereotype.
- Farewell, My Ugly

Spoilers from Farewell, My Ugly

