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Vesela Gropa

Vesela Gropa

Race: Human
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5 ft 8 in
Weight: 149 lbs
Parents: Pal Gropa, Ljuba Gropa


18 Wineflow 2084 IR


VES-eh-la GROW-pa

Appears In

A Lake Most Deep
The Eyes of a Doll
Where Now the Rider

Vesela Gropa is a member of the Gropa Council in Achrida, Dassaretum Province, Empire of Makhaira.

She is the daughter of Pal Gropa, and his designated successor as zupan of the Enchelei.


From the Books

At his side stood one of the most beautiful women I would see in my entire life. She gracefully introduced herself as Vesela. Her features were so similar to the zupan’s that she had no need to tell me she was Pal’s daughter. Her features held all of the vibrancy that might have once existed in Pal’s face, as if he had intentionally bequeathed it to her. The hair was the same color, but on her it glowed softly. Her face showed the soft welcome of a warm harbor, while her father’s face displayed the rough experience of the black hills I had grown up roaming. She, too, wore a long tunic, hers a warm red embellished with pearls and extensive embroidery. The power in her eyes tugged at my heart and soul.
- A Lake Most Deep


Spoilers from A Lake Most Deep 

